Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Sometimes I feel like I've got it.  I know what I need to do and I can do it.  And a moment later, it can all fall apart.  I can have a dream or a goal and rather than making it happen I will sit and wish and hope and dream and  watch as the dream slowly goes away.  I know, it isn't going to happen magically by itself.  But nothing seems to motivate me.  Nothing.  And I feel lost and overwhelmed with everything I want and hope and dream for.

so many dreams... I want so much.  Maybe I want too much.  And everything feels just out of reach.

March was stressful and threw me for a loop.  I thought April would be better and it has been, but not creatively or productively towards dreams.  April has been detrimental because it's my birth month. And while usually I look forward to it, this was the first year I did not.  Instead I'm just feeling old and run down and feel like my life if going no where.

I know this is just a rutt, and it won't last.  But is sure is sticking around and bringing me down.